
Towards Mul­ti­co­lo­red Com­pu­ting - Com­part­men­ted Se­cu­ri­ty to Prevent Phis­hing At­tacks.

2006 - Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Chris­ti­an Stüb­le, Mar­cel Wi­n­an­dy

Work­shop on In­for­ma­ti­on and Sys­tem Se­cu­ri­ty (WIS­S­EC'06), Ant­wer­pen (Bel­gi­um), 2006 .

A Case Study on On­line-Ban­king Se­cu­ri­ty.

2006 - Jörg Schwenk, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Hen­rik te Hee­sen

In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Emer­ging Trends in In­for­ma­ti­on and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Se­cu­ri­ty (ETRICS'06) Work­shop on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy in Fu­ture Busi­ness Ser­vices, Frei­burg (Ger­ma­ny), 2006 .

A Com­pu­ta­tio­nal Model for Wa­ter­mark Ro­bust­ness

2006 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Ste­fan Kat­ze­beis­ser

Ac­cep­ted for In­for­ma­ti­on Hiding Work­shop, 2006. [Sprin­ger Link]

Cli­ent Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on in Fe­de­ra­ti­ons Using a Se­cu­ri­ty Mode

2006 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek,

Ac­cep­ted to be pre­sen­ted at Toward a More Se­cu­re Web - W3C Work­shop on Usa­bi­li­ty and Trans­pa­ren­cy of Web Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on. [pdf]

De­mocra­tic Group Si­gna­tu­res - On an Ex­amp­le of Joint Ven­tures - Fast Ab­stract.

2006 - Mark Ma­nu­lis,

in Pro­cee­dings of ACM Sym­po­si­um on In­for­ma­ti­on, Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Se­cu­ri­ty (ASIACCS 2006), 21-24 March, Tai­pei, Tai­wan. [ACM Link] [PDF ] [Bib­tex]

DRM für Mul­ti­me­dia-Broad­casts - wie sieht das PayTV der Zu­kunft aus?.

2006 - Ul­rich Gre­ve­ler,

in Pa­trick Hors­ter (Hrsg.), D.​A.​CH Se­cu­ri­ty 2006, Düs­sel­dorf, März 2006, to ap­pe­ar. [PDF]

Ef­fi­ci­ent Im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of Ze­ro-Know­ledge Pro­ofs for Wa­ter­mark De­tec­tion in Mul­ti­me­dia Data.

2006 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Mar­kus Rohe,

To ap­pe­ar in LNCS Tran­sac­tions on Data Hiding and Mul­ti­me­dia Se­cu­ri­ty. [Sprin­ger Link]

Fin­ger­cas­ting - Joint Fin­ger­prin­ting and De­cryp­ti­on of Broad­cast Mes­sa­ges

2006 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Ul­rich Huber,

Tech­ni­cal Re­port de­tai­ling the ACISP 2006 paper below. A preli­mi­na­ry ver­si­on is avail­able from the aut­hors:

Fin­ger­cas­ting - Joint Fin­ger­prin­ting and De­cryp­ti­on of Broad­cast Mes­sa­ges

2006 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Ul­rich Huber,

Ac­cep­ted for 11th Aus­tral­asi­an Con­fe­rence on In­for­ma­ti­on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy (ACISP 2006), Mel­bour­ne, Aus­tra­lia, July 3-5, 2006. Pu­blis­hed in Sprin­ger's LNCS 4058. [Spring­link]

Key Agree­ment for He­te­ro­ge­neous Ad-Hoc Groups

2006 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Mark Ma­nu­lis,

to ap­pe­ar in In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Wire­less and Mo­bi­le Com­pu­ting (IJWMC), In­der­sci­ence.