
A Cri­tique of the GNU Hurd Mul­ti-Ser­ver Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem

2007 - Neal H. Wal­field, Mar­cus Brink­mann

ACM SI­GOPS Ope­ra­ting Sys­tems Re­view, Vo­lu­me 41 Issue 4, July 2007, pp. 30-39 [DOI]

Trusted User-Awa­re Web Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on

2007 - Jörg Schwenk, Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Mar­cel Wi­n­an­dy,

Pre­sen­ted at the Work­shop on Trust­wor­thy User In­ter­faces for Pass­words and Per­so­nal In­for­ma­ti­on (TIPPI'07), Stan­ford, USA, June 22, 2007. [PDF]

Com­part­men­ted Se­cu­ri­ty for Brow­sers – Or How to Thwart a Phis­her with Trusted Com­pu­ting

2007 - Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Chris­ti­an Stüb­le, Mar­cel Wi­n­an­dy

In Pro­cee­dings of the The Se­cond In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Avail­a­bi­li­ty, Re­lia­bi­li­ty and Se­cu­ri­ty (ARES 2007), Vi­en­na, Aus­tria, April 10-13, 2007, pages 120-127. IEEE Com­pu­ter So­cie­ty, 2007. [pdf]

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Al­most Per­fect Non­line­ar Func­tions up to Di­men­si­on Five

2007 - Mar­cus Brink­mann

Di­plom­ar­beit an der Fa­kul­tät für Ma­the­ma­tik Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­ät Bo­chum. [PDF]

A Pri­va­cy-Pro­tec­ting Mul­ti-Cou­pon Sche­me with Stron­ger Pro­tec­tion against Split­ting

2007 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Hans Löhr, Liqun Chen, Mark Ma­nu­lis, Al­ber­to Esca­lan­te

11th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Fi­nan­ci­al Cryp­to­gra­phy and Data Se­cu­ri­ty (FC 2007), Sc­ar­bo­rough, Tri­ni­dad and To­ba­go, Fe­bru­ary 12-16, 2007. Re­vi­sed Selec­ted Pa­pers, vo­lu­me 4886 of Lec­tu­re Notes on Com­pu­ter Si­ence (LNCS), pages 29-44. Sprin­ger Ver­lag, 2007. [pdf]

Fin­ger­cas­ting—Joint Fin­ger­prin­ting and De­cryp­ti­on of Broad­cast Mes­sa­ges

2007 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Ul­rich Huber,

In Tran­sac­tions on Data Hiding and Mul­ti­me­dia Se­cu­ri­ty II, vo­lu­me 4499 of Lec­tu­re Notes on Com­pu­ter Si­ence (LNCS), pages 1-34. Sprin­ger Ver­lag, 2007. [?]

Phis­hing Phis­hers - Ob­ser­ving and Tra­cing Or­ga­ni­zed Cy­ber­cri­me

2007 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Felix Grö­bert, , Do­mi­nik Birk

In Pro­cee­dings of the Se­cond In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on In­ter­net Mo­ni­to­ring and Pro­tec­tion (ICIMP 2007), Si­li­con Val­ley, Ca­li­for­nia, July 1-5, 2007, page 3. IEEE Com­pu­ter So­cie­ty, 2007. [IEEE Link]

Ak­tu­el­le Ge­fah­ren im On­line­ban­king-Tech­ni­sche und Ju­ris­ti­sche Hin­ter­grün­de.

2007 - Jörg Schwenk, Georg Bor­ges, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Chris­toph We­ge­ner, Isa­bel­le Bi­al­laß, Julia Meyer, Den­nis Wer­ner

In Pro­cee­dings of the 10th Ger­man IT Se­cu­ri­ty Con­gress, Fe­deral Of­fice for In­for­ma­ti­on Se­cu­ri­ty, Bonn (Ger­ma­ny), 2007.

Brea­king and Fi­xing the In­li­ne Ap­proach.

2007 - Jörg Schwenk, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Lijun Liao,

In Pro­cee­dings of the ACM CCS Work­shop for Se­cu­re Web Ser­vices (ACM SWS'07), Alex­an­dria (USA), 2007 .

Brow­ser Mo­dels for Usa­ble Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on Pro­to­cols

2007 - Jörg Schwenk, Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Mark Ma­nu­lis,

Pre­sen­ted at the Work­shop on Web 2.0 Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy (W2SP 2007) held in con­junc­tion with the IEEE Sym­po­si­um on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy, Oak­land, Ca­li­for­nia, May 24, 2007. [pdf]