
De­ter­mi­ning the Core Pri­mi­ti­ve for Op­tim­al­ly Se­cu­re Rat­che­ting

2020 - Fatih Balli, Paul Rös­ler, Serge Vau­den­ay

IACR In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on the Theo­ry and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on of Cryp­to­lo­gy and In­for­ma­ti­on Se­cu­ri­ty, Asi­a­crypt 2020 [full ver­si­on]

On the Price of Con­cur­ren­cy in Group Rat­che­ting Pro­to­cols

2020 - Alex­an­der Bien­stock, Yev­ge­niy Dodis, Paul Rös­ler

IACR Theo­ry of Cryp­to­gra­phy Con­fe­rence, TCC 2020 [full ver­si­on]

Power­less Se­cu­ri­ty – A Se­cu­ri­ty Ana­ly­sis of in-Ho­me Power Line Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons based on HomeP­lug AV2

2020 - Ste­fan Hoff­mann, Jens Mül­ler, Jörg Schwenk, Gerd Bu­mil­ler

18th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Ap­p­lied Cryp­to­gra­phy and Net­work Se­cu­ri­ty (ACNS 2020)

Rac­coon At­tack: Fin­ding and Ex­ploit­ing Most-Si­gni­fi­cant-Bit-Ora­cles in TLS-DH(E)

2020 - Ro­bert Mer­get, Mar­cus Brink­mann, Nim­rod Avi­ram, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Jo­han­nes Mitt­mann, Jörg Schwenk

30th USE­NIX Se­cu­ri­ty Sym­po­si­um, Au­gust 11–13, 2021, Van­cou­ver, B.C., Ca­na­da [PDF]

Miti­ga­ti­on of At­tacks on Email End-to-End En­cryp­ti­on

2020 - Jörg Schwenk, Mar­cus Brink­mann, Da­mi­an Pod­debni­ak, Jens Mül­ler, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Se­bas­ti­an Schin­zel

ACM CCS 2020 - No­vem­ber 9-13, 2020 [PDF]

Ana­ly­sis of DTLS Im­ple­men­ta­ti­ons Using Pro­to­col State Fuz­zing

2020 - Paul Fi­terau Bros­te­an, Bengt Jons­son, Ro­bert Mer­get, Joeri de Rui­ter, Kon­stan­ti­nos Sa­go­nas, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky


Vul­nerabi­li­ty Re­port At­tacks by­pas­sing the si­gna­tu­re va­li­da­ti­on in PDF (Shadow At­tacks)

2020 - Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Simon Rohl­mann, Jörg Schwenk


Of­fice Do­cu­ment Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy

2020 - Jens Mül­ler, Fa­bi­an Ising, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Se­bas­ti­an Schin­zel, Jörg Schwenk

14th USE­NIX Work­shop on Of­fen­si­ve Tech­no­lo­gies (WOOT 2020) [full ver­si­on] [ar­ti­facts]

Mail­to: Me Your Secrets. On Bugs and Fea­tures in Email End-to-End En­cryp­ti­on

2020 - Jens Mül­ler, Mar­cus Brink­mann, Da­mi­an Pod­debni­ak, Se­bas­ti­an Schin­zel, Jörg Schwenk

8th IEEE Con­fe­rence on Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and Net­work Se­cu­ri­ty (CNS 2020) [full ver­si­on]

Fle­xi­ble Au­then­ti­ca­ted and Con­fi­den­ti­al Chan­nel Es­ta­blish­ment (fACCE): Ana­ly­zing the Noise Pro­to­col Frame­work

2020 - Ben­ja­min Dow­ling, Paul Rös­ler, Jörg Schwenk

IACR In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Prac­tice and Theo­ry in Pu­blic Key Cryp­to­gra­phy, PKC 2020 [ex­ten­ded ver­si­on]