Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Noack
- Ehemalige/r Mitarbeiter/in - Lehrstuhl Netz- und Datensicherheit

- 2002 - 2005 Studies of Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.) at University of Applied Sciences Münster, Germany
- 2005 - 2007 Studies of IT Security (M.Sc.) at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
- since 12/2007 Research Associate at NDS
- Mutual Preimage Authentication for fast Handover in Enterprise NetworksHeld at the MyPhD Workshop, Aachen, Germany, 2010.
- Protokolleffizienz in Wireless Mesh NetzwerkenHeld at the 4. Essener Workshop zur Netzsicherheit (EWNS10), Essen, Germany, 2010.
- Group Key Agreement in Wireless Mesh NetworksHeld at the HGI seminar, Bochum, Germany, 2009.
- Security and Cryptography in Wireless Mesh NetworksHeld at the MyPhD Workshop, Passau, Germany, 2009.
- WLAN an der Ruhr-Universität BochumHeld at the Wireless Security Workshop (GI NetSec / HGI), Bochum, Germany, 2009.
Scientific Work
- Reviewer für das APCOM Symposium, Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (35th APCOM)2011
- Programm Committee Member und Reviewer für ContextQoS 2011 (Workshop der 20th IEEE ICCCN Konferenz)2011
- Reviewer für European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT)2011
- Reviewer for the EURASIP Journal on Information Security2010
- Reviewer for the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS)2010
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing2009
- Reviewer für IACR Eurocrypt 20092009