Dr.-Ing. Paul Rösler
- Ehemalige/r Mitarbeiter/in - Lehrstuhl Netz- und Datensicherheit

- E-Mail:
- paul.roesler@rub.de PGP Schlüssel
- Webseite:
- http://roeslpa.de/
- 03/21 - now: Postdoc at Cryptoplexity group, TU Darmstadt
- 10/16 - 02/21: PhD with fast track program TopING
- 10/15 - 12/18: Master in IT-Security at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), Germany
- 10/12 - 09/15: Bachelor in IT-Security at RUB
For updated information on vita, publications, and contact information, visit http://roeslpa.de
- Formal analysis of cryptographic real-world protocols
- Key exchange (especially Ratcheting)