Code Vo­ting with Linka­ble Group Si­gna­tu­res

Jörg Schwenk, Sven Schä­ge, Jörg Hel­bach

3rd In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence, Co-or­ga­ni­zed by Coun­cil of Eu­ro­pe, Ge­sell­schaft für In­for­ma­tik and E-Vo­ting.​CC, Au­gust 6th-9th, 2008 in Cast­le Hofen, Bre­genz, Aus­tria 2008. In LNI, 2008.

[LNI Link]

Tags: code vo­ting, e-vo­ting, linka­ble group si­gna­tu­res, se­cu­re plat­form pro­blem, vote up­dating