
Brea­king PPTP VPNs via RA­DI­US En­cryp­ti­on

2016 - Matt­hi­as Horst, Mar­tin Gro­the, Tibor Jager, Jörg Schwenk

15th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Cryp­to­lo­gy and Net­work Se­cu­ri­ty (CANS) [http] [pdf]

Eva­lua­ting Two Me­thods for WS-(Se­cu­ri­ty) Po­li­cy Ne­go­tia­ti­on and De­ci­si­on Ma­king

2016 - Jörg Schwenk

Cloud and Trusted Com­pu­ting (C&TC 2016), part of: The 15th On­The­Mo­ve to Mea­ningful In­ter­net Sys­tems: (OTM 2016) Con­fe­ren­ces, 24-28 Oct 2016, Rho­des, Greece. [Paper]

DROWN: Brea­king TLS using SSLv2

2016 - Nim­rod Avi­ram, Se­bas­ti­an Schin­zel, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Nadia He­nin­ger, Maik Dan­kel, Jens Steu­be, Luke Va­len­ta, David Adri­an, J. Alex Hal­der­man, Vik­tor Duk­ho­v­ni, Emi­lia Käs­per, Shaan­an Coh­ney, Su­san­ne En­gels, Chris­tof Paar, Yuval Shavitt

USE­NIX Se­cu­ri­ty 2016 [Web­site and paper] [Pwnie Awards] [Face­book Prize]

Non­ce-Dis­re­spec­ting Ad­ver­sa­ries: Prac­tical For­ge­ry At­tacks on GCM in TLS

2016 - Hanno Böck, Aaron Zau­ner, Sean Dev­lin, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Phil­ipp Jo­va­no­vic

WOOT 2016 [Black­hat stuff] [paper]

SoK: XML Par­ser Vul­nerabi­li­ties

2016 - Chris­to­pher Späth, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Jörg Schwenk

10th USE­NIX Work­shop on Of­fen­si­ve Tech­no­lo­gies (WOOT '16) [Paper PDF]

How to Break Micro­soft Rights Ma­nage­ment Ser­vices

2016 - Mar­tin Gro­the, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Paul Rös­ler, Jörg Schwenk

10th USE­NIX Work­shop on Of­fen­si­ve Tech­no­lo­gies (WOOT '16) [Paper PDF]

Your Cloud in my Com­pa­ny: Mo­dern Rights Ma­nage­ment Ser­vices Re­vi­si­ted

2016 - Mar­tin Gro­the, Paul Rös­ler, Jo­han­na Jupke, Jan Kai­ser, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Jörg Schwenk

11th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Avail­a­bi­li­ty, Re­lia­bi­li­ty and Se­cu­ri­ty (ARES 2016) [pdf]

Do not trust me: Using ma­li­cious IdPs for ana­ly­zing and at­ta­cking Sin­gle Sign-On

2016 - Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Jörg Schwenk

IEEE Eu­ropean Sym­po­si­um on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy (EuroS&P 2016) [Paper PDF]

How Se­cu­re is Text­Se­cu­re?

2016 - Til­man Frosch, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Chris­toph Bader, Flo­ri­an Berg­s­ma, Jörg Schwenk, Thors­ten Holz

IEEE Eu­ropean Sym­po­si­um on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy (EuroS&P 2016) [PDF]