
Out of the Dark: UI Re­dres­sing and Trust­wor­thy Events

2017 - Mar­cus Nie­mietz, Jörg Schwenk

16th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Cryp­to­lo­gy And Net­work Se­cu­ri­ty (CANS 2017) [Con­fe­rence] [PDF]

On The (In-)Se­cu­ri­ty Of Ja­va­Script Ob­ject Si­gning And En­cryp­ti­on

2017 - Den­nis De­te­ring, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Jörg Schwenk

ROOTS, No­vem­ber 16–17, 2017, Vi­en­na, Aus­tria [PDF]

Sa­me-Ori­gin Po­li­cy: Eva­lua­ti­on in Mo­dern Brow­sers

2017 - Jörg Schwenk, Mar­cus Nie­mietz, Chris­ti­an Main­ka

26th USE­NIX Se­cu­ri­ty Sym­po­si­um (USE­NIX Se­cu­ri­ty 17) [PDF]

Brea­king and Fi­xing Grid­co­in

2017 - Mar­tin Gro­the, To­bi­as Nie­mann, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Jörg Schwenk

11th USE­NIX Work­shop on Of­fen­si­ve Tech­no­lo­gies (WOOT '17) [Link] [pdf]

DOMPu­ri­fy: Cli­ent-Si­de Pro­tec­tion Against XSS and Mar­kup In­jec­tion

2017 - Mario Hei­de­rich, Chris­to­pher Späth, Jörg Schwenk

(2017, Sep­tem­ber). DOMPu­ri­fy: Cli­ent-Si­de Pro­tec­tion Against XSS and Mar­kup In­jec­tion. In Eu­ropean Sym­po­si­um on Re­se­arch in Com­pu­ter Se­cu­ri­ty (ESO­RICS), Sprin­ger, Cham.

Va­li­die­rung des PRO­SIT CHD Type 2 Dia­be­tes Herz­in­farkt­mo­dells Dia­be­to­lo­gie und Stoff­wech­sel

2017 - Seitz P, Fend­rich L, Hempe H, Rick­mann J, Chris­to­phidis B, Lan­kes S, Reim­chen H, Ma­xi­mi­li­an Wes­ters, Bau­mann B, Laha A, Su­le­der J, Sai­ler F, Schramm W

Sim­ple Se­cu­ri­ty De­fi­ni­ti­ons for and Con­struc­tions of 0-RTT Key Ex­chan­ge

2017 - Brit­ta Hale, Tibor Jager, Se­bas­ti­an Lauer, Jörg Schwenk

15th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Ap­p­lied Cryp­to­gra­phy and Net­work Se­cu­ri­ty - ACNS 2017 [ePrint]

OAuth 2 in Ac­tion

2017 - Jus­tin Ri­cher, An­to­nio Sanso

ISBN 9781617293276

Me­a­su­ring small sub­group at­tacks against Dif­fie-Hell­man

2017 - Luke Va­len­ta, David Adri­an, An­to­nio Sanso, Shaan­an Coh­ney, Jos­hua Fried, Mar­cel­la Has­tings, J. Alex Hal­der­man, Nadia He­nin­ger

In NDSS Sym­po­si­um 2017 [NDSS Web­site] [Paper] [Sli­des] [Youtu­be Video]

SECRET: On the Fe­a­si­bi­li­ty of a Se­cu­re, Ef­fi­ci­ent, and Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve Re­al-Ti­me Web Edi­tor

2017 - Den­nis Felsch, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Jörg Schwenk

ACM Asia Con­fe­rence on Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Se­cu­ri­ty (ASIACCS) 2017 [Git­Hub-Pro­ject] [Paper] [Sli­des]