Sec2: Secure Mobile Solution for Distributed Public Cloud Storages

Juraj Somorovsky, Christopher Meyer, Thang Tran, Mohamad Sbeiti, Jörg Schwenk, Christian Wietfeld

In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER), 2012


Cloud Computing is an emerging technology that attracts increasing attention as a high-performance and low-cost solution to process arbitrarily huge data and share them among different users and organizations. Nonetheless, this technology rises new questions on security and privacy, especially when working with highly confidential data. Existing solutions offering end-to-end security such as TLS are of no help since the stored data is only encrypted during their transport. Therefore, a message-level security must at least be applied to protect those data during and after the storing process. This paper investigates a novel solution for secure data storage in the cloud. It presents a security concept allowing each client to encrypt outgoing data on one’s mobile device and share it among a defined user group while using a seamless service provision. As our concept is used transparently as well as independently on each device, users keep full control over their data and almost no changes on the existing infrastructure of cloud storage services are needed.

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Tags: Cloud Security, Seamless networking, Sec2, Secure Cloud Storage, Virtual private storage, XML Encryption